Do a Viterbi lattice calculation to calculate the optimum state to be in at each step of a sequence, given the costs of transitions between those states at each step.
Type: class
addTransition (s0 : Int, s1 : Int, c : Float) : Void
For the current step in the sequence, we assert that
transitioning from state `s0` to state `s1` would cost `c`.
beginTransitions () : Void
Begin one individual step in the sequence.
After this, we call `addTransition` for every possible state
transition, and then `endTransitions`.
Then we repeat the cycle for the next step in the sequence,
or call `calculatePath`.
calculatePath () : Void
Compute the best state sequence.
endTransitions () : Void
Declare that we are finished asserting possible state transitions
for the current step in the sequence. After this, we either
call `beginTransitions` again for the next step, or call
get (i : Int) : Int
step in the sequence
Returns: the optimal state for that step
getCost () : Float
Returns: the total cost of the optimal state sequence
length () : Int
Returns: the length of the optimal state sequence
reset () : Void
Reset the state to its initial value.
setSize (states : Int, sequence_length : Int) : Void
Configure the maximum number of states and the maximum sequence
length that we care about.
maximum number of statessequence_length
maximum sequence length
toString () : String
Returns: the optimal state sequence as a string