Daff - Data Diff


The basic String class.

A haxe String is immutable, it is not possible to modify individual
characters. No method of this class changes the state of `this` String.

Strings can be constructed using the string literal syntax "string value".

String can be concatenated by using the + operator. If an operand is not a
String, it is passed through Std.string() first.

Type: class

Static Methods:

fromCharCode (code : Int) : String

Returns the String corresponding to the character code code.

	If `code` is negative or has another invalid value, the result is


new(string : String)


length (default,null) : Int

The number of characters in this String.


charAt (index : Int) : String

Returns the character at position index of this String.

	If `index` is negative or exceeds `this.length`, the empty String ""
	is returned.
charCodeAt (index : Int) : Null<Int>

Returns the character code at position index of this String.

	If `index` is negative or exceeds `this.length`, null is returned.

	To obtain the character code of a single character, "x".code can be used
	instead to inline the character code at compile time. Note that this
	only works on String literals of length 1.
indexOf (str : String, ?startIndex : Int) : Int

Returns the position of the leftmost occurence of str within this String.

	If `startIndex` is given, the search is performed within the substring
	of `this` String starting from `startIndex`. Otherwise the search is
	performed within `this` String. In either case, the returned position
	is relative to the beginning of `this` String.

	If `str` cannot be found, -1 is returned.
lastIndexOf (str : String, ?startIndex : Int) : Int

Returns the position of the rightmost occurence of str within this String.

	If `startIndex` is given, the search is performed within the substring
	of `this` String from 0 to `startIndex`. Otherwise the search is
	performed within `this` String. In either case, the returned position
	is relative to the beginning of `this` String.

	If `str` cannot be found, -1 is returned.
split (delimiter : String) : Array<String>

Splits this String at each occurence of delimiter.

	If `this` String is the empty String "", the result is not consistent
	across targets and may either be `<code></code>` (on Js, Cpp) or `<code>""</code>`.

	If `delimiter` is the empty String "", `this` String is split into an
	Array of `this.length` elements, where the elements correspond to the
	characters of `this` String.

	If `delimiter` is not found within `this` String, the result is an Array
	with one element, which equals `this` String.

	If `delimiter` is null, the result is unspecified.

	Otherwise, `this` String is split into parts at each occurence of
	`delimiter`. If `this` String starts (or ends) with <pre>delimiter}, the
    result Array contains a leading (or trailing) empty String "" element.
    Two subsequent delimiters also result in an empty String "" element</pre>
substr (pos : Int, ?len : Int) : String

Returns len characters of this String, starting at position pos.

	If `len` is omitted, all characters from position `pos` to the end of
	`this` String are included.

	If `pos` is negative, its value is calculated from the end of `this`
	String by `this.length + pos`. If this yields a negative value, 0 is
	used instead.

	If the calculated position + `len` exceeds `this.length`, the characters
	from that position to the end of `this` String are returned.

	If `len` is negative, the result is unspecified.
substring (startIndex : Int, ?endIndex : Int) : String

Returns the part of this String from startIndex to but not including endIndex.

	If `startIndex` or `endIndex` are negative, 0 is used instead.

	If `startIndex` exceeds `endIndex`, they are swapped.

	If the (possibly swapped) `endIndex` is omitted or exceeds
	`this.length`, `this.length` is used instead.

	If the (possibly swapped) `startIndex` exceeds `this.length`, the empty
	String "" is returned.
toLowerCase () : String

Returns a String where all characters of this String are lower case.

	Affects the characters `A-Z`. Other characters remain unchanged.
toString () : String

Returns the String itself.

toUpperCase () : String

Returns a String where all characters of this String are upper case.

	Affects the characters `a-z`. Other characters remain unchanged.